Friday, January 3, 2025

I was cruelly asked this question.

“why do you grieve so much for just a dog?”

My answer…

When your children grow up and leave the nest, you go through empty nest syndrome. You grieve the loss of caring and nurturing them. The day to day interaction with them. The laughs, the tears..everything! 

Then grandkids come along and your heart is bursting with joy again! This is pure joy! 

Than they grow up and the empty feelings return.

Most people have dogs, and they become our children. They give us daily laughter, joy, we see them through their boo boos, through illnesses and surgeries. You worry sick when you leave them in the care of others. They grow from puppies to adults and become your best friends. 

You feed them three times a day, share walks, long talks, they listen to you when you are sad, they are faithful like no human has ever been, they know when you are hurting.  And if you have a very special dog, they even know where you hurt and try to sooth your pain with gentle licks and kisses. 

When they grow old, they rely on you to help them. Their whole lives they depend on you for everything. Food, water, healthcare, friendship, and above all love. ♥️🐶🥰

And in return, they give you their undying faith and unconditional love ! Regardless how bad your day is. 

No creature on earth does this! 

Only a dog!


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